You can create a website of INFINITE width by having only one object per row and using the extend feature
This is a simple text box.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam id
mauris ex. Morbi porta, augue ut lobortis imperdiet, tortor lorem porta
nunc, eu pellentesque massa dolor ac eros. Sed non orci eu turpis
molestie eleifend vel at metus. Phasellus at ipsum non nisi facilisis
tempus at non nibh. Phasellus sed eros vitae orci finibus lobortis.
sagittis quis nisi in suscipit. Nullam varius leo nec nulla ornare
lacinia. Duis congue pulvinar nisi, id vestibulum leo sollicitudin ac.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam id
mauris ex. Morbi porta, augue ut lobortis imperdiet, tortor lorem porta
nunc, eu pellentesque massa dolor ac eros. Sed non orci eu turpis
molestie eleifend vel at metus. Phasellus at ipsum non nisi facilisis
tempus at non nibh. Phasellus sed eros vitae orci finibus lobortis.
sagittis quis nisi in suscipit. Nullam varius leo nec nulla ornare
lacinia. Duis congue pulvinar nisi, id vestibulum leo sollicitudin ac.
Most objects behave quite well when extended and by starting at a nominal width (in this case 640) there are effectively infinite break points above that width.
There should be no limit to the width of each object on a single row so you can design your website to suit every display size
There should be no limit to the width of each object on a single row so you can design your website to suit every display size